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RRB GROUP D Study MaterialsRRB GROUP D Exam Videos, Study Notes in PDF and Web text formats. Videos are completely free of cost. RRB GROUP D Smart LearningRRB GROUP D LEARNING MODE Facility to create multiple learning sessions on each RRB GROUP D topic using randomization to identify knowledge gaps from a large knowledge pool Tony AI to help close identified knowledge gaps online using artificial intelligence. ETL help and Google help also available. Progress bar on each RRB GROUP D topic to track performance 12 Learning Sessions per day RRB GROUP D COMPETITIVE MODE Facility to create multiple RRB GROUP D practice sessions with time management and marks management on each RRB GROUP D topic to ensure speed and accuracy. Progress Bar on each RRB GROUP D topic to track performance 12 Competitive Sessions each day Report & AnalyticsOverall Performance, View Question Details 24 X 7 Online Access24X7 availability for learning and practice sessions on desktop and mobile app ETL-TeacherETL Teacher Support for online doubts clearing Teacher AppFacility to link school, academy or tuition teacher for performance monitoring and doubt clearing through a dedicated teacher app |
RRB GROUP D Exam Test/Mock TestRRB GROUP D Exam Specific 20 Complete Mock Tests per month ETL-TeacherYou will get EaseToLearn Teacher Support to Resolve your doubt regarding any particular questions RRB GROUP D Report and AnalyticsTest History for each attempted RRB GROUP D Test with individual analytics. You get detailed real-time Analysis of RRB GROUP D Test Papers. Performance detail with drill down facility. RRB GROUP D Comparative StudyAll India Rank of RRB GROUP D Mock Tests taken are compared with Toppers and Average Student. Numbers of Exam Test/Mock Tests6 Tests Per day Teacher AppFacility to link school, academy or tuition teacher for performance monitoring and doubt clearing through a dedicated teacher app |