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CUET UG Smart LearningLEARNING MODE Facility to create multiple learning sessions on each topic using randomization to identify knowledge gaps from a large knowledge pool Tony AI to help close identified knowledge gaps online using artificial intelligence. ETL help and Google help also available. Progress bar on each topic to track performance 12 Learning Sessions per day COMPETITIVE MODE Facility to create multiple practice sessions with time management and marks management on each topic to ensure speed and accuracy. Progress Bar on each topic to track performance 12 Competitive Sessions each day Report & AnalyticsOverall Performance, View Question Details CUET UG Study MaterialsLanguages(English) & General test Subject has Videos, Study Notes in PDF and Web text formats. Videos are completely free of cost. NCERT Text Books are Sufficient for Domain Specific Subjects. 24 X 7 Online Access24X7 availability for learning and practice sessions on desktop and mobile app ETL-TeacherETL Teacher Support for online doubts clearing Teacher AppFacility to link school, academy or tuition teacher for performance monitoring and doubt clearing through a dedicated teacher app Parent AppDashboard facility for parents to monitor student performance. |
CUET UG Exam Test/Mock TestCUET Exam Specific SECTION IA Languages(English) Subject 15 Mock Tests per month CUET Exam Specific Section III General test Subject 15 Mock Tests per month CUET Exam Specific Section II Economics Subject 15 Mock Tests per month CUET Exam Specific Section II Geography Subject 15 Mock Tests per month CUET Exam Specific Section II History Subject 15 Mock Tests per month CUET Exam Specific Section II Physics Subject 15 Mock Tests per month CUET Exam Specific Section II Chemistry Subject 15 Mock Tests per month CUET Exam Specific Section II Biology Subject 15 Mock Tests per month CUET Exam Specific Section II Mathematics Subject 15 Mock Tests per month CUET Exam Specific Section II Accountancy Subject 15 Mock Tests per month CUET Exam Specific Section II BUSINESS STUDY Subject 15 Mock Tests per month CUET Exam Specific Section II SOCIOLOGY Subject 15 Mock Tests per month CUET Exam Specific Section II POLITICAL SCIENCE Subject 15 Mock Tests per month CUET Exam Specific Section II PSYCHOLOGY Subject 15 Mock Tests per month CUET Report and AnalyticsTest History for each attempted CUET Test with individual analytics. You get detailed real-time Analysis of CUET Test Papers. Performance detail with drill down facility. CUET Comparative StudyAll India Rank of CUET Mock Tests taken are compared with Toppers and Average Student. Number of Exam Test/Mock Tests6 Tests Per day ETL-TeacherETL Teacher Support for online doubts clearing Teacher AppFacility to link school, academy or tuition teacher for performance monitoring and doubt clearing through a dedicated teacher app |
#Mark: EaseToLearn now has exclusive website for CENTRAL UNIVERSITIES ENTRANCE TEST (CUET) UNDER GRADUATE. Kindly click on for one stop details on CUET exam Pattern, Syllabus, Previous years old question papers and CUET Online Mock Test Series.
Common University Entrance Test (CUET (UG) – 2025) will be conducted in 13 mediums across India for admission into the Undergraduate Programmes in Computer Based Test (CBT) mode for all the Central Universities (CUs) in India for the academic year 2025-26.
The CUET UI Examinations will be conducted in Computer Based Test (CBT) mode.
Duration of CUET (UI) Examination:
The examination will be conducted on multiple days in two or three shifts per day, depending on the number of Candidates and Subject choices.
Choice of Test Paper - Candidates may choose upto a maximum of five (05) subjects including languages and General Aptitude Test irrespective of the subjects opted in class XII.
The pattern of CUET question papers will comprise Multiple Choice Questions in the following areas as given below:
There are three Sections in the design of the test:
Broad features of CUET (UG) - 2025 are as follows:
Section |
Number of Questions |
Duration |
Type of Questions |
Subjects |
Section I: Language |
50 Questions |
60 minutes |
MCQs (Reading Comprehension) |
13 Languages |
Section II: Domain Specific |
50 Questions |
MCQs |
23 Domain Subjects |
Section III: General Test |
50 Questions |
MCQs |
General Aptitude |
The Tests (other than Language Test) are offered in 13 languages i.e. Assamese, Bengali, English, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Odiya, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu and Urdu.
A candidate is required to opt for one of the specified languages as the medium of the paper, as per desired University’s eligibility criteria, while applying.
The question paper in respect of the Domain Specific Subjects and the General Test, will be bi-lingual, i.e., it will be in the medium (one of the 13 languages) opted by the candidate and in English.
For Multiple Choice Questions: To answer a question, the candidates need to choose one option corresponding to the correct answer or the most appropriate answer. However, if any anomaly or discrepancy is found after the process of challenges of the key verification, it shall be addressed in the following manner: