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CUET UG Smart LearningLEARNING MODE Facility to create multiple learning sessions on each topic using randomization to identify knowledge gaps from a large knowledge pool Tony AI to help close identified knowledge gaps online using artificial intelligence. ETL help and Google help also available. Progress bar on each topic to track performance 12 Learning Sessions per day COMPETITIVE MODE Facility to create multiple practice sessions with time management and marks management on each topic to ensure speed and accuracy. Progress Bar on each topic to track performance 12 Competitive Sessions each day Report & AnalyticsOverall Performance, View Question Details CUET UG Study MaterialsLanguages(English) & General test Subject has Videos, Study Notes in PDF and Web text formats. Videos are completely free of cost. NCERT Text Books are Sufficient for Domain Specific Subjects. 24 X 7 Online Access24X7 availability for learning and practice sessions on desktop and mobile app ETL-TeacherETL Teacher Support for online doubts clearing Teacher AppFacility to link school, academy or tuition teacher for performance monitoring and doubt clearing through a dedicated teacher app Parent AppDashboard facility for parents to monitor student performance. |
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CUET UG 2025: How to prepare for Biology Domain Subject through NCERT books
CUET UG 2025: CBSE Board students who have studied NCERT have an benifits of familiarity with topics, basics and application of concepts which correlate with the CUET Exam.
CUET Exam is conducted to analyse students on their understanding of the basic concepts and principles of Biology. Students, who are willing to choose Biology as a domain subject at CUET, then the NCERT textbook plays a major role in the preparation. NCERT is the core reference standard for both CBSE as well as CUET.
CBSE Board students who have studied NCERT book have an advantage of familiarity with topics and application of concepts that resonate with the CUET.
Foundation Knowledge:
Learning Biology from CBSE can help students to build a strong foundation in the subject and later which can help in a better understanding of the core concepts and theories that are tested in CUET.
Analytical Skills:
Biology involves studying of living organisms and their vital processes. Studying Biology in CBSE can help you develop your analytical and critical thinking skills, which are essential for success in CUET.
Exam Preparation:
CBSE exams are conducted to examine knowledge and understanding of the subject matter. While preparing and giving CBSE Exam, students can develop good study habits, gradual build-up from simple to more complex topics and issues, test-taking strategies that can help them to perform well in CUET exams.
A look at the CUET Biology Paper and strategies to attempt the paper:
CUET Biology will have a total 50 multiple choice questions out of which students will have to attempt any 40 questions. All the topics can be broadly categorised into Reproduction, Genetics and Evolution, Biology and Human Welfare, Biotechnology and its Applications and Ecology and Environment. These topics are aligned to the NCERT textbooks that go by the same title.
Biology is a broad subject that demands a comprehensive understanding of the fundamentals to perform well in exams. In this regard, the National Testing Agency (NTA) has specified a definite set of units and sub-topics that need to be focused on during the preparation of Biology in CUET.
It is important for students to thoroughly prepare and revise the following units:
– Reproduction: Reproduction in organisms, Sexual reproduction in flowering plants, Human Reproduction, Reproductive health.
– Genetics and Evolution: Heredity and variation, Molecular Basis of Inheritance, Evolution.
– Biology and Human Welfare: Health and Disease, Improvement in food production, Microbes in human welfare
– Biotechnology and its Applications: Principles and process of Biotechnology, Application of Biotechnology in health and agriculture
– Ecology and Environment: Organisms and environment, Ecosystems, Biodiversity and its conservation, Environmental issues
Students can pay extra attention to some chapters while preparing for the exam. Some of these chapters are- Sexual reproduction in flowering plants, Human Reproduction, Molecular Basis of Inheritance, Principles and process of Biotechnology and Organisms and environment.
Focus on NCERT Textbooks: Every line, picture or info graphic in the textbook can lead to a question, do not ignore the book.
Time management a key to success: Attempting all 40 questions in the manageable period of time depends on two factors – Choosing questions wisely; don’t waste much time on doubtful question and move on to the next question. Students have to be careful that there is a negative marking in place, yet a student can practice the strategy of option elimination to arrive at the answer. This needs practice.