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National Talent Search Scheme is a flagship activity of the NCERT started in the year 1963. The purpose of the scheme was to identify talented students and nurture their talent. Talent refers to the potentiality that manifests itself in a high level of performance in one or more specialized areas. The NTSE scheme, therefore, covers areas like Sciences, Social Sciences, Engineering, Medicine, Management and Law. It honours and helps talented students by providing financial assistance in the form of a monthly scholarship. For the courses in Basic Sciences, Social Sciences and Commerce, this assistance is provided up to Ph.D. level. For professional courses like Engineering, Medicine, Management and Law this assistance is given only up to Post Graduation. From the selection year 2012-2013, the NCERT will conduct the National Talent Search Examination for students studying in Class X only.
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NTSE Scholarship : The scholarship under the present scheme is awarded to the candidates for pursuing courses in science and social science up to the doctoral level and in professional courses like medicine and engineering up to second-degree level subject to the fulfillment of the conditions provided in this brochure. As on date, 2000 scholarships are awarded in the country with a reservation of 15 percent for SC, 7.5 percent for ST 27 percent for other backward classes, and 4 percent for group of students with benchmark disabilities.
NCERT announces enhancement of the number of scholarships from Rs.1000 to Rs.2000 in NTSE
NTSE Scholarship Amount: The Amount of the scholarship will be :
(a) Scholarship of Rs.1250/- per month for classes XI to XII
(b) Scholarship of Rs. 2000/- per month for Undergraduates and Post-graduates.
(c) Amount of Scholarship for Ph.D. be fixed in accordance with the UGC norms.
Identification of talent comprises NTSE two-stage selection process.
The individual State/UT conducts the NTSE first stage selection,
The NTSE second stage selection at the national level is carried out by the NCERT.
Each State/UT conducts its own NTSE Stage 1 examination. They have the autonomy to lay down their own norms for the purpose of determining the eligibility of the candidates. This NTSE Stage 1 examination is primarily used to recommend a given number of candidates for the NTSE second level test to be conducted by the NCERT.
This number is based on the enrollment of students in Classes IX and X in different States/UTs.
The state-level NTSE screening examination is conducted in all State/UT’s on first Sunday of November except in Nagaland, Andaman, and Nicobar Island, Meghalaya and Mizoram where it will be conducted on first Saturday of November every year until and unless some special circumstances occur.
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The candidates are to be recommended on the basis of their merit in the NTSE written examination conducted by the States/UTs. The details of the number of candidates for different States/UTs as applicable are notified separately.
The addresses of the NTSE Liaison Officers of each State/UT are given in with whom information about NTSE state-level examination may be sought.
NTSE Important Dates (Stage I): Dates for Submission of NTSE Application Form and conduct of examination are given below:
Events | NTSE Stage-I Dates | NTSE Stage-II Dates |
Release of NTSE Admit Card 2021-22 | January 2022 | January 2022 |
NTSE Exam Date 2021-22 | ||
NTSE Results 2021-22 | To be Announced | To be Announced |
NTSE Final Results 2021-22 | To be Announced | To be Announced |
NTSE Notification 2022 | To be Announced | |
NTSE Application Form 2022 |
To be Announced | |
NTSE Exam 2022 | To be Announced | To be Announced |
For details click below link :
NTSE Eligibility (Stage I) : All students studying in Class X in any type of recognized school including Kendriya Vidyalaya, Navodaya Vidyalaya and Sainik School etc. will be eligible to appear at the NTSE State Level Examination from the State in which the school is located. However, no domicile restriction shall be imposed. The state may impose any other eligibility condition for appearing in the NTSE screening examination like any qualifying percentage of marks in the previous annual examination etc.
Students registered under Open and Distance Learning (ODL) are also eligible for scholarship provided the students are below the age of 18 years (as on 1st July of that particular year) the students is not employed and they are appearing in class X for the first time.
How to apply (NTSE Stage I) : The students studying in Class X in the country ought to be on the look out for any advertisement in the newspapers or circulars in the school by the respective Government of their State/UT for the above said examination and act as per the requirement given in the State advertisement/circular. Any other information/query about the details of the state-level NTSE examination may be had from Liaison Officers of the State/UT agencies, the addresses of which are given in the Appendix.
The filled-in NTSE application by the student be submitted to the State Liaison Officer duly signed by the Principal of the school before the due date as advertised/circulated by each concerned State/UT.
Medium of NTSE Examination (Stage I) : The medium of the NTSE test shall be as announced by the State/UT.
Fee (NTSE Stage I) : State may impose any fee for examination and/or for application form.
Pattern of NTSE Examination (Stage I) : State level examination may have two parts :
Part-I Mental Ability Test (MAT) and
Part-II Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)
For nominating the required number of candidates for the second level test to be conducted by the NCERT.
Results of NTSE Stage I : The State/Union Territory will prepare a merit list of the candidates, ensuring the minimum qualifying marks in both the NTSE tests separately.
These marks are 40 percent in the case of General and OBC category candidates, and 32 percent in the case of SC/ST/physically challenged candidates.
The result of the State Level Talent Search Examination (NTSE) is declared in months of January/ February by the States/UTs themselves.
This examination is used only to recommend the candidates for second-level NTS examination conducted by the NCERT.
The marks of the State level NTSE Examination are not added to the National Level Examination for the award of scholarship. No correspondence will be entertained by the NCERT with regard to a first level examination conducted by the State/UT. The candidate having any query/complaint/clarification with regard to the State Level Examination shall have to correspond only with the state examination agencies.
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Fee (NTSE Stage II): There is no fee of any kind for appearing in the National Level Examination
NTSE Eligibility : The National Talent Search Examination is open for students of Indian nationality, whether they study in India or abroad at Class X level.
Candidates Studying in India :
Only the candidates selected by the States/UTs on the basis of their NTSE screening examination shall be eligible to appear in the National level examination to be conducted by the NCERT on the Second Sunday of May each year (unless otherwise notified). The NCERT will convey the roll number, the venue, the date and time for the national level examination to all such candidates directly through its portal
Candidates Studying Abroad :
Students of Indian nationality studying abroad at the Class X level may also compete for Talent Search Award under the following conditions:
(i) The Indian students studying abroad in Class X or equivalent class shall be exempted from the first level-screening test and shall be permitted to appear directly at the second level examination conducted by the NCERT.
(ii) A candidate shall be eligible to appear in the second level NTS examination only if he or she has obtained at least 60 percent marks (in aggregate) at the previous annual examination.
(iii) A candidate will have to appear in the NTS examination at a center in India at her/his own cost.
(iv) A candidate desiring to appear in the NTS examination may request through the Head of the Institution where he or she is studying along with an attested copy (by the Head of the Institution) of the mark sheet of Class IX. The request should reach the Head, Department of Educational Survey Division, NCERT, New Delhi-110016 latest by 31st December of the concerned year.
(v) The Council shall allot roll numbers to the eligible candidates and inform them about the date, time and venue of examination along with other relevant instructions.
(vi) No request for change of Centre shall be entertained.
(vii) If a candidate is selected, the scholarship shall be paid for pursuing studies in India only.
(viii) Change of center will be permitted in genuine cases and as per instructions issued from NCERT.
Click here for NTSE Application form for the Students Studying Abroad in Class X - 2021
NTSE Syllabus :
There is no prescribed syllabus for the NTSE examination. However, the standard of items shall be conforming to the level of Classes IX and X.
A separate booklet called Learn about the NTSE Test containing sample items for both the Tests - MAT and SAT is available in print as well as on the NCERT website
Important Dates (NTSE Stage II) : Dates for Submission of Application Form and conduct of examination are given below:
The NTSE written examination shall consist of two paper -Written Examination (NTSE Stage II) :
NTSE Paper-I Mental Ability Test (MAT)
NTSE Paper-II Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)
Both the NTSE tests will be administered on the same day
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Students are allowed to take away NTSE question booklets of both the tests (Mental Ability Test and Scholastic Aptitude Test) after the examination.
Medium of Examination (NTSE Stage II) :
The NTSE tests will be available in the following languages: Asamiya, Bangla, English, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Marathi, Malayalam, Odia, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu and Urdu.
The NTSE candidate has to mention his option regarding the language in which he/she want to take the test in the application form. Accordingly, the question booklet in that language shall be made available to the candidate at the centre. After exercising this option, no request for the change of medium will be entertained.
Declaration of Result (NTSE Stage II) : : The final award shall be declared on the basis of combined scores of NTSE MAT and SAT. Only the selected candidates shall be informed by registered letter and through NCERT website
For More NTSE Details Visit
For NTS National Level Examination Inquiry:
Phone No : 011-26560464 (Timings 2.30 PM to 4.30 PM only)
E-mail :
For NTS Scholarship disbursement Inquiry:
Phone No : 011-26562704, 011-26567401, 011-26567402 (Timings 2.30 PM to 4.30 PM only)
E-mail :