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#Note: EaseToLearn is providing an exclusive interface for your overall complete exam preparation for NTSE exam preparation. Get the latest mock test series, study material, exam analysis, and everything. Sign-up on and start learning.
NTSE 2021 Examination
NTSE Exam Analyser – Please go through the NTSE syllabus, and examine your weekly schedule to cover each topic for your preparation. You will be able to access the particular topic for your examination. By conquering all your topic, sub-topic, and keywords, you’ll be able to achieve a good amount of practice for your final examination.
NTSE Self Assessor – The Self-Assessor for your NTSE preparation will help you to create & assess tests containing same type of criteria, time duration, topic, and key concepts of Physic, Chemistry, Biology, and Mathematics. Everyday Self-assessment will help you to conquer your mistakes and drawbacks. NTSE Self Assessor will not only help you to indicate your level of learning, and accuracy, but it will also add a lot more knowledge about any particular examination.
NTSE Test Simulator – Complete your Mock Tests/Tests, Quality assessments, Previous Year Tests for your NTSE Examination. These tests are based on the previous year pattern
Specific to NTSE, and also contains many quality assessments & questions, according to the examination. These tests will simulate an exam-like environment and experience which will help you to rise above your fears, and lacks.
NTSE Test History –It stores your results, details, and analyses to give you an adequate analysis of your examination preparation. It will enable you to monitor your daily progression.