MY Study Room™ | MY Exam Room™ |
Smart LearningSmart Learning has videos, study materials, notes and other help keyword wise and topic wise from large pool of knowledge. Self Assessor - Formative Assessment System50000 plus question pool on Reasoning, English, Computer Aptitude, General/Financial Awareness and Quantitative Aptitude to enable gap analysis for FAST learning Questions on more than 400 Topic and Subtopics Self Assessments Report AnalyticsTest History for each attempted self assessment topic-wise Self Assessments - 30 per month Number of Assessments/Test per DaySelf Assessments - 1 Test Simulator/Mock Tests - Not Available |
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Nice application for learning students and help to Government job preparation.
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Thanks EaseToLearn I am selected in SBI-CLERK exam
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Best quality of test for SBI-CLERK Exam, thanks sir