MY Study Roomâ„¢ | MY Exam Roomâ„¢ |
PU LLB Study MaterialsVideos, Study Notes in PDF and Web text formats. Videos are completely free of cost. PU LLB Smart LearningLEARNING MODE Facility to create multiple learning sessions on each topic using randomization to identify knowledge gaps from a large knowledge pool Tony AI to help close identified knowledge gaps online using artificial intelligence. ETL help and Google help also available. Progress bar on each topic to track performance 12 Learning Sessions per day COMPETITIVE MODE Facility to create multiple practice sessions with time management and marks management on each topic to ensure speed and accuracy. Progress Bar on each topic to track performance 12 Competitive Sessions each day Report & AnalyticsOverall Performance, View Question Details 24 X 7 Online Access24X7 availability for learning and practice sessions on desktop and mobile app ETL-TeacherETL Teacher Support for online doubts clearing Teacher AppFacility to link school, academy or tuition teacher for performance monitoring and doubt clearing through a dedicated teacher app |
PU LLB Exam Test/Mock TestPU LLB Exam Specific 20 Complete Mock Tests per month PU LLB Report and AnalyticsTest History for each attempted PU LLB Test with individual analytics. You get detailed real-time Analysis of PU LLB Test Papers. Performance detail with drill down facility. PU LLB Comparative StudyAll India Rank of PU LLB Mock Tests taken are compared with Toppers and Average Student. ETL-TeacherYou will get EaseToLearn Teacher Support to Resolve your doubt regarding any particular questions Numbers of Exam Test/Mock Tests6 Tests Per day Teacher AppFacility to link school, academy or tuition teacher for performance monitoring and doubt clearing through a dedicated teacher app |
#MARK: EaseToLearn now has exclusive website for Panjab University PU LLB Entrance Exams. Kindly click on for one stop details on PU LLB Entrance Test Exam Pattern, Syllabus, and Previous years old question papers along with PU LLB Sample Mock Practice tests Papers.
For Panjab University Bachelor of Law UG 3 & 5 Years Entrance Exam:
PU LLB Notification |
13-03-2025 |
Date of Availability of PU LLB Prospectus and Entrance Test Form |
13-03-2025 |
Last date for submission of information on the website to generate the Login & Password |
09-04-2025 |
Last date of deposit fee online |
11-04-2025 |
Last date of uploading signature with rest of the information on website |
14-04-2025 |
Availability of PU LLB UG Admit Card |
23-04-2025 |
Last date for candidates who have not completed their form by paying late fee of 500/- |
24-04-2025 |
27-04-2025 (Sunday) (10:00 A.M. – 11:30 A.M.) |
Result of PU LL.B UG Entrance Test |
16-05-2025(Thursday) |
PU LLB 2025 - Click Here for PU LLB Online Free Mock Test Series
PU LLB EXAM ANALYSER – Please go through the PU LLB syllabus, and examine your weekly schedule to cover each topic for your preparation. You will be able to access the particular topic for your examination. By conquering all your topic, sub-topic, and keywords, you’ll be able to achieve a good amount of practice for your final examination. Exam analyser provides information on specific exam covering basic details, syllabus, exam pattern, analysis of previous exams and cut offs, recent notifications, tips on exam preparation and This will help to understand and plan goals and short-term objectives.
EaseToLearn advantage also quantifies goals with recommendations on speed for EXAM.
ETL Dashboard give you fuel to achieve your goal. It will show you your mistake and give the chance to Learning from mistakes and improving on them. Its also help to student to learn about topics not covered or covered inadequately .Basically dashboard is a mirror for student where they can see the image of their performance.
My study room provide two facility one is smart learning and other one is self-assessor. With the help of smart learning, you can use your time in right direction also you don’t need to waste your time to search any topic/ keyword study material in different – different location. Self-assessor helps you to know your ability by performing test which create by yourself.
ETL SMART LEARNING - The objective of SMART LEARNING is pool relevant knowledge on each topic and keyword to be readily available in tree structure index with search capability to enable students to access knowledge/learning material as per their needs and avoid wasting time in searching it at multiple locations. Here, you get whole knowledge for your particular exam. You can see the video, ppt and all study material for every single topic/ keyword.
In ETL smart learning you get Free study materials in MY STUDY ROOM for your PU LLB exam preparation.
PU LLB Exam Smart Learning has Free videos, study materials, notes and other help keyword wise and topic wise from large pool of knowledge.
ETL SELF ASSESSOR – The SELF-ASSESSOR for your exam preparation will help you to create & assess tests containing the same type of criteria, time duration, topic, and key concepts of related subjects. Everyday Self-assessment will help you to conquer your mistakes and drawbacks. PU LLB Self Assessor will not only help you to indicate your level of learning, and accuracy, but it will also add a lot more knowledge about any particular examination.
Self-Assessor has facility to simulate your own tests instantaneously for self-assessment from vast number of subjects, topics and keywords with flexibility to choose number of questions, type of questions, and level of questions, allocate time and marks. You will get results of your tests instantaneous detailing given answers and correct answers. ETL Self Assessor offers a meaningful knowledge of formative assessment in education through a variety of different tools & methods.
ETL TOPIC TEST – Topic test has facility to create test on particular topic for your particular exam. You just need to select the topic of your exam and then test create spontaneously.
ETL EXAM TEST – Exam test has facility to simulate mock tests / old papers / test patterns for assessment and practice on large number of regular, entrance, recruitment, professional, international and other exams. The tests are built on extensive predefined parameters covering exam guidelines on number of questions. Complete your Mock Tests/Test, Quality Assessment, Previous Year Tests for your PU LLB Examination. These tests are based on previous year pattern specific to PU LLB, and also contains many qualities assessment & question according to the examination. These tests will simulate an exam-like environment and experience which will help you to rise above your fears, and lacks.
It stores your results, details, and analyses to give you an adequate analysis of your examination preparation. It will enable you to monitor your daily progression. It also motivates you to increase your performance.
PU LLB 2025 - Click Here for PU LLB Online Free Mock Test Series