Exam Simulator

Exam Simulator

TOPIC SIMULATOR is a summative assessment of the topic mastered in SELF ASSESSOR. It is a test on a topic where questions are simulated keeping in view the exam pattern which you are going to attempt with similar type of questions, similar level of difficulty, similar time and similar marks.

EXAM SIMULATOR stimulates the exam you are going to attempt as

The tests are built on extensive predefined parameters covering exam

Each Mock Test is built with following parameters on exam pattern

  • Total number of questions in the specific test
  • Number of questions per page
  • Marks for correct answers, incorrect answers and un-attempted questions.
  • Total time to complete the test

Question parameters are further set keeping previous exam patterns in view as under :

  • Topics/subtopics from where the questions were included in the test.
  • Number of questions each topic/sub-topic wise.
  • Level of difficulty of questions - Easy, Medium, Hard and Professional
  • Question types in the tests - Multiple Choice Questions, Multiple Response Matching Type (Matrix type),Common data Type (Linked comprehension type), True and False Type and Fill in Blanks.

Mock Tests / Test Patterns also has sections with different marking patterns for each section if it is required in a particular exam Each Test simulates Exam like Environment having different questions but on specific patterns with defined parameters as above for users to practice.

The experience gained with Exam Simulator will put all your exam fears
to rest All test are stored in test history for future reference and each user has